Healthy Inside/Healthy Outside

Breathing Space for Healthy Lungs


Breathing Space for Healthy Lungs

Fall weeds and molds, winter dampness & closed indoor allergens, spring pollen and the pollution from daily living can wreak havoc on your lungs. The pollution doesn’t stop there; electronic gadgets such as computers, TV, tablets, e-cigarettes, space heaters affect the air quality. Then there are toxic cleaning supplies, pesticides in the air and on produce that we ingest through the mouth and through the nose. What can you do to ensure healthier lungs and easier breathing?

There are a few simple steps you can incorporate into your daily habits for healthier lung function, and there are bigger steps you can take if you’re up for making major changes – you choose but please, make some type of change for your better health. If you smoke, consider kicking that habit too-need help? I have a few tips on how to help eliminate cravings for that next butt – just ask!

Breathing space in your home begins with clean surroundings by removing dust, debris, and dirt from your walls, window hangings & bedding, furniture and floors on a regular basis. If you’re surrounded by electronics daily at work and home, it’s helpful to invest in air cleaners & Himalayan salt lamps – for more information on which one to buy, read here:

Breathing space for your lungs begins with food. Some foods cause congestion and gunk in your lungs while other foods help to open up your airways by reducing inflammation. Some foods help oxygenate and purify the blood helping you breathe easy and feeling energized.  The following is a list of the foods you should be eating every day for healthy lungs.

  • Vitamin A foods: pumpkin, spinach, carrots, dark leafy greens, lettuce, fish, bell peppers, winter squashes & sweet potatoes
  • Vitamin C foods: citrus, watermelon, celery, parsley, kiwi, papaya, broccoli, berries, melons
  • Vitamin D foods: egg yolks, fortified milk & juice, fortified grains/cereal, cod liver oil, sunshine. If you take a D3 supplement it is good to take a magnesium supplement too so that the D3 will get absorbed.
  • Vitamin E foods: seeds, nuts, peanut butter, mango, broccoli, spinach, beet greens, red peppers, avocado, swordfish
  • Magnesium foods: tuna, halibut, beans, milk, yogurt, brown rice, prunes & other dried fruit, dark leafy greens, broccoli, avocado, bananas, dark chocolate (70% & higher)
  • WATER: Water helps hydrate your lungs and keep it free of mucous. Drink at least 6-8 10 ounce glasses per day.

As you can see, many of the same foods are in more than one category so eating healthy isn’t very difficult to do. You are what you eat so be wholesome, natural, fresh, light and energetically affected by what is around you and what is inside of you.

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